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  • Global reach with local presence

    UCB Cast Profil SA

    UCB Cast Profil SA
    Pol. San Miguel
    C/ Albert Einstein nº64
    50830 Villanueva de Gállego
    Tel.:+34 976 185767
    Fax:+34 976 185775


    Nieves Vicente
    Tel.:+34 976 451066
    Vertrieb Innendienst 
    Asun Palacios
    Tel.:+34 976 451069
    Vertrieb Innendienst 
    Mercedes Monzon
    Tel.:+34 976 451060
    Vertrieb Innendienst 
    Susana Lacarta Abad
    Tel.:+34 976 451060
    Carmelo Cañada
    Tel.:+34 610462 464


    The concept of circular economy is becoming increasingly important and identifies those companies whose business model is based on the implementation of an efficient and sustainable production system from an environmental point of view. To do this, reduce,…

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    The work at our foundry site in Zaragoza, Spain has already begun to expand our current warehouse. Therefore we acquired additional land of 4,071m2 next to the existing one.
    The aim of United Cast Bar is not only to increase storage capacity but also to…

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    11 Studenten von Zaragoza Dinámica, einem Institut des Stadtrates von Saragossa, besuchten UCB Cast Profil in Saragossa, um mehr über Gusseisen, unsere Gießerei und die darin ablaufenden Prozesse zu erfahren.

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    UCB invite you to join our team!

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    Eine weitere Neuheit in der UCB-Gruppe zur Einhaltung strenger Umweltstandards

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    Following UCB Group investments across various sites we are pleased to confirm our foundry in Zaragoza, Spain has now completed its re-structure and investment in its cutting capacity.

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